Tera Copy Pro 2.3 {Latest 2013}
I never reported this but it is VERY annoying: Basically teracopy doesnot work with 7-zip. Everytime i try to simply drag a file out of azipped container into a directory teracopy comes up saying there was anerror opening the file path. Is this just me? Hence i have to disable teracopy using the scrolllock key.
Tera Copy Pro 2.3 {Latest 2013}
The workflow is clear and intuitive, where all different aspects of the process can be visible by just switching tabs. The program does complete Shell integration, and users do not need to use File Explorer to search for files. The Interactive file list also shows the transfers which have corrupted and failed to be pasted. There is also an option to fix the issue and copy the file again, eliminating the process of checking the copied files at the destination manually
Error: Page not found...Updating to latest versionInstall latest non-portable version of TeraCopy and copy TeraCopy.exe to \PortableApps\TeraCopy Portable\ or other folder (where portable version is installed).
I'm not sure if the info posted on TeraCopy (How To Extract) is dated but the latest version 2.12 is an Inno setup and not a self extracting exe. The last version stated as portable is 2.05 which I can't even find the download link, I just downloaded it a month ago but it looks to have been taken down.Regardless, TeraCopy is an excellent app for anyone who moves files on a regular basis, and wants the added benefit of speed and verification of a successful move (or copy).
I wasn't sure which one to download so I picked the "portable" version. AVG has warned me that teracopy is infected. Surely a false positive, but I seldom have this happen. There's the off chance that the file has actually been infected, but I doubt it. I'm updating as of now to see if this remedies the situation.
Furthermore, the app skips over items that cannot be pasted. It will not stop the process and ask you questions to continue. Once the transfer is complete, it will show you the files that couldn't be copied in the interactive file list. Here, you can see the reasons why the files fail to be pasted. There is also an option to fix the issue and copy them again. With this, you can skip checking the destination manually.
Additionally, the app integrates into Windows completely. It can find your files directly from the program's interface, so you don't have to open multiple windows to look for files. Other than that, it can also replace the Windows copier, allowing you to copy and paste files using the hotkeys CTRL+ C and CTRL+V. With this, you can transfer files with no interaction from the users at all.
Yes it dies, try to move a directory and while doing it, move it to somewhere else with windows standard move action, when teracopy reaches the missing files it will slow down and the speed is 1 file/folder per 30 second
TeraCopy Pro 2.3 Final + SerialMungkin Agan Pernah Mengcopy Files Atau Movie Dan Games Sampai Ukuran Bergiga Nah Untuk Mencopy Files Itu Membutuhkan Waktu Yang Lama Bisa Berjam-jam Bahkan Bisa Satu Berhari-hari Nah Kali Ini Saya Akan Kasih Software Untuk Mempercepat Proses Pengcopyan Yaitu TeraCopy Banyak Orang Menggunakan Software Ini Untuk Mempercepat Mengcopy Bebagai Macam Files.Screenshot: Features: Copy files fasterTeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce the seek times. Asynchronous copying speeds up the file transfer between two physical hard drives.
Pause and resume file transfer activities Pause the copy process at any time in order to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
Error recovery In case of a copy error, TeraCopy will try several times to recover and, in the worse case scenario, will simply skip the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
Interactive file list TeraCopy shows the failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only the problem files.
Shell integration TeraCopy can completely replace the Explorer copy and move functions, in turn enabling you to work with files as usual.
Link Download:Download Via Rghost:Download TeraCopy Pro 2.3 Final + Serial
Download Via SolidFiles:Download TeraCopy Pro 2.3 Final + Serial